Mar 14, 2024 Brief #2: 1.0 + New Pricing

By Gio Tiongson

Hey all 👋

We have some exciting updates to share with you today! And, well, one update that might be tough to swallow (it’s related to our pricing).

In case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to the updates!

🎉 1.0 = We’re officially out of beta!

We just released version 1.0. This is what we believe to be the smartest and most capable legal search engine and AI system in the Philippines today.

The update to “1.0” officially marks our graduation from our “beta phase”, meaning we’ve gone through testing with real users, fixed bugs and improved the system enough for a wider release.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of the 400+ early users of Some of you have been around since September 2023 (when we first launched our platform), helping shape what is today.

We’ve gone a long way since then…

… and we still have a long way to go in our mission!

📜 Now available: Philippine Laws

Part of our 1.0 update was adding 20,000+ Philippine Laws in our search engine and AI system. This is on top of the 70,000+ Jurisprudence already on the platform. This deep knowledge of laws and jurisprudence, with our ever-evolving AI model built on top of it, makes the whole system smart. Very smart.

Try some queries for yourself:

And as always, our AI cites its sources:

“L12” refers to Laws search result #12, while “J8” refers to Jurisprudence search result #8. Switching between results from Laws and Jurisprudence is as simple as switching tabs:

⚙️ Other product updates with 1.0

  • We had a big breakthrough in our AI model. I’ll say it again: our search and AI is the smartest it’s ever been!

  • Suggested search terms: You’ll now see suggested terms related to your initial search. Like what Google does!

🛒 Updated pricing: Free trial, Basic and Pro plans

In our previous brief we wrote:

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

That change is happening next week.

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, all non-subscribed accounts will transition to a “limited free trial” which comes with 30 Searches and 30 AI Answers. After using the free 30 Searches and 30 Answers, accounts will have to upgrade to an Basic or Pro account to continue using the platform.

Here is our pricing moving forward:

Thank you to those who participated in our pricing survey from a few weeks back! We’re striving to make our platform accessible while making it sustainable too. Our core team of 3 – me, Beato and Atty. Gio – are determined to push legal services and technology forward in the Philippines for the next decade plus. This pricing update is a step to make that a reality :)

If you’re finding valuable in your work and are ready to order, you may place an order here so you can continue to use the platform after the free trial:

🔗 Upgrade to Basic or Pro

Best regards 👋

That wraps up Brief #2!

Before you go, do check us out on Facebook and Instagram. We’ve started posting more now that we’re reached 1.0. Here’s a Reel of our co-founder Atty. Gio Bilog 😄

Feel free to share this email/post with this link:

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

Mar 14, 2024 Brief #2: 1.0 + New Pricing

By Gio Tiongson

Hey all 👋

We have some exciting updates to share with you today! And, well, one update that might be tough to swallow (it’s related to our pricing).

In case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to the updates!

🎉 1.0 = We’re officially out of beta!

We just released version 1.0. This is what we believe to be the smartest and most capable legal search engine and AI system in the Philippines today.

The update to “1.0” officially marks our graduation from our “beta phase”, meaning we’ve gone through testing with real users, fixed bugs and improved the system enough for a wider release.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of the 400+ early users of Some of you have been around since September 2023 (when we first launched our platform), helping shape what is today.

We’ve gone a long way since then…

… and we still have a long way to go in our mission!

📜 Now available: Philippine Laws

Part of our 1.0 update was adding 20,000+ Philippine Laws in our search engine and AI system. This is on top of the 70,000+ Jurisprudence already on the platform. This deep knowledge of laws and jurisprudence, with our ever-evolving AI model built on top of it, makes the whole system smart. Very smart.

Try some queries for yourself:

And as always, our AI cites its sources:

“L12” refers to Laws search result #12, while “J8” refers to Jurisprudence search result #8. Switching between results from Laws and Jurisprudence is as simple as switching tabs:

⚙️ Other product updates with 1.0

  • We had a big breakthrough in our AI model. I’ll say it again: our search and AI is the smartest it’s ever been!

  • Suggested search terms: You’ll now see suggested terms related to your initial search. Like what Google does!

🛒 Updated pricing: Free trial, Basic and Pro plans

In our previous brief we wrote:

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

That change is happening next week.

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, all non-subscribed accounts will transition to a “limited free trial” which comes with 30 Searches and 30 AI Answers. After using the free 30 Searches and 30 Answers, accounts will have to upgrade to an Basic or Pro account to continue using the platform.

Here is our pricing moving forward:

Thank you to those who participated in our pricing survey from a few weeks back! We’re striving to make our platform accessible while making it sustainable too. Our core team of 3 – me, Beato and Atty. Gio – are determined to push legal services and technology forward in the Philippines for the next decade plus. This pricing update is a step to make that a reality :)

If you’re finding valuable in your work and are ready to order, you may place an order here so you can continue to use the platform after the free trial:

🔗 Upgrade to Basic or Pro

Best regards 👋

That wraps up Brief #2!

Before you go, do check us out on Facebook and Instagram. We’ve started posting more now that we’re reached 1.0. Here’s a Reel of our co-founder Atty. Gio Bilog 😄

Feel free to share this email/post with this link:

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

Mar 14, 2024 Brief #2: 1.0 + New Pricing

By Gio Tiongson

Hey all 👋

We have some exciting updates to share with you today! And, well, one update that might be tough to swallow (it’s related to our pricing).

In case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to the updates!

🎉 1.0 = We’re officially out of beta!

We just released version 1.0. This is what we believe to be the smartest and most capable legal search engine and AI system in the Philippines today.

The update to “1.0” officially marks our graduation from our “beta phase”, meaning we’ve gone through testing with real users, fixed bugs and improved the system enough for a wider release.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of the 400+ early users of Some of you have been around since September 2023 (when we first launched our platform), helping shape what is today.

We’ve gone a long way since then…

… and we still have a long way to go in our mission!

📜 Now available: Philippine Laws

Part of our 1.0 update was adding 20,000+ Philippine Laws in our search engine and AI system. This is on top of the 70,000+ Jurisprudence already on the platform. This deep knowledge of laws and jurisprudence, with our ever-evolving AI model built on top of it, makes the whole system smart. Very smart.

Try some queries for yourself:

And as always, our AI cites its sources:

“L12” refers to Laws search result #12, while “J8” refers to Jurisprudence search result #8. Switching between results from Laws and Jurisprudence is as simple as switching tabs:

⚙️ Other product updates with 1.0

  • We had a big breakthrough in our AI model. I’ll say it again: our search and AI is the smartest it’s ever been!

  • Suggested search terms: You’ll now see suggested terms related to your initial search. Like what Google does!

🛒 Updated pricing: Free trial, Basic and Pro plans

In our previous brief we wrote:

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

That change is happening next week.

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, all non-subscribed accounts will transition to a “limited free trial” which comes with 30 Searches and 30 AI Answers. After using the free 30 Searches and 30 Answers, accounts will have to upgrade to an Basic or Pro account to continue using the platform.

Here is our pricing moving forward:

Thank you to those who participated in our pricing survey from a few weeks back! We’re striving to make our platform accessible while making it sustainable too. Our core team of 3 – me, Beato and Atty. Gio – are determined to push legal services and technology forward in the Philippines for the next decade plus. This pricing update is a step to make that a reality :)

If you’re finding valuable in your work and are ready to order, you may place an order here so you can continue to use the platform after the free trial:

🔗 Upgrade to Basic or Pro

Best regards 👋

That wraps up Brief #2!

Before you go, do check us out on Facebook and Instagram. We’ve started posting more now that we’re reached 1.0. Here’s a Reel of our co-founder Atty. Gio Bilog 😄

Feel free to share this email/post with this link:

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

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Your best work, done in less time

Add an AI legal assistant to your team today.

Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved

Your best work, done in less time

Add an AI legal assistant to your team today.

Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved