Jan 25, 2024

Anycase.ai Brief #1: AI Case Summaries, Updated Jurisprudence, Citation UI, Improved Search

By Gio Tiongson

Anycase.ai Brief #1 Thumbnail

Hey all 👋

Happy new year from the Anycase.ai Team! We hope everyone has fully recovered from the holiday hangover! I’m excited to be sending our first ever Anycase.ai Brief newsletter.

Here’s a quick recap of who we are in case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the Anycase.ai web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to product updates!

📌 Case Summaries

We’re starting this year off with an exciting new feature: AI-generated Case Summaries. These are shown alongside search results and at the top of case pages.

The litigation lawyers in the community made us realize just how many cases they have to read through when handling legal matters. Our semantic search engine has made finding relevant cases faster. Now, Case Summaries will make skimming multiple cases faster, too.

These summaries are searchable, so you can now include outcomes like ”acquitted”, “found guilty”, etc. in your search query and questions!

We released these quality of life improvements, too:

📜 Updated Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence until August 2023 are now available. These are the latest available decisions published by the Supreme Court on their website.

🔗 Better citation UI

Clicking on a citation link from an Answer will now bring you to the relevant search result (instead of opening the case immediately).

🔍 Improved search results

We upgraded our AI model that runs in the background, leading to a slightly improved Search experience for you.

Coming up 🔜

  • Philippine Laws in Search: Our Answers feature already mentions Philippines Laws, but soon you’ll start seeing Laws in search results.

  • Securities and Exchange (SEC) Rules, Regulations and Issuances: We’re working on adding legal information from the SEC to our AI system, Search and Answer features. Exciting stuff for corporate law!

Which other Philippine government agencies would you like us to support? What other features would you like to see? Let us know by replying or emailing me at gio@anycase.ai.

About our pricing…

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

We’ll share more details in the coming weeks, we’re still ironing it out :) In the meantime, if you’re interested in availing of Anycase.ai for yourself, or recommending Anycase.ai to your firm/organization, please reach out to me at gio@anycase.ai.

From a user:

The Answer function makes it easy to go over the different doctrines that the AI finds, and I like that it's able to compose in its own words its understanding or interpretation of the doctrine.

Care to write a testimonial for Anycase.ai? Submit here.

Best regards 👋

That’s it for the Brief #1! Do consider sharing this with your favorite lawyers. That would help our startup a lot! 

🔗 Link to share: https://anycase.ai/blog/brief-1-summaries-release

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

Jan 25, 2024

Anycase.ai Brief #1: AI Case Summaries, Updated Jurisprudence, Citation UI, Improved Search

By Gio Tiongson

Anycase.ai Brief #1 Thumbnail

Hey all 👋

Happy new year from the Anycase.ai Team! We hope everyone has fully recovered from the holiday hangover! I’m excited to be sending our first ever Anycase.ai Brief newsletter.

Here’s a quick recap of who we are in case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the Anycase.ai web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to product updates!

📌 Case Summaries

We’re starting this year off with an exciting new feature: AI-generated Case Summaries. These are shown alongside search results and at the top of case pages.

The litigation lawyers in the community made us realize just how many cases they have to read through when handling legal matters. Our semantic search engine has made finding relevant cases faster. Now, Case Summaries will make skimming multiple cases faster, too.

These summaries are searchable, so you can now include outcomes like ”acquitted”, “found guilty”, etc. in your search query and questions!

We released these quality of life improvements, too:

📜 Updated Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence until August 2023 are now available. These are the latest available decisions published by the Supreme Court on their website.

🔗 Better citation UI

Clicking on a citation link from an Answer will now bring you to the relevant search result (instead of opening the case immediately).

🔍 Improved search results

We upgraded our AI model that runs in the background, leading to a slightly improved Search experience for you.

Coming up 🔜

  • Philippine Laws in Search: Our Answers feature already mentions Philippines Laws, but soon you’ll start seeing Laws in search results.

  • Securities and Exchange (SEC) Rules, Regulations and Issuances: We’re working on adding legal information from the SEC to our AI system, Search and Answer features. Exciting stuff for corporate law!

Which other Philippine government agencies would you like us to support? What other features would you like to see? Let us know by replying or emailing me at gio@anycase.ai.

About our pricing…

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

We’ll share more details in the coming weeks, we’re still ironing it out :) In the meantime, if you’re interested in availing of Anycase.ai for yourself, or recommending Anycase.ai to your firm/organization, please reach out to me at gio@anycase.ai.

From a user:

The Answer function makes it easy to go over the different doctrines that the AI finds, and I like that it's able to compose in its own words its understanding or interpretation of the doctrine.

Care to write a testimonial for Anycase.ai? Submit here.

Best regards 👋

That’s it for the Brief #1! Do consider sharing this with your favorite lawyers. That would help our startup a lot! 

🔗 Link to share: https://anycase.ai/blog/brief-1-summaries-release

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

Jan 25, 2024

Anycase.ai Brief #1: AI Case Summaries, Updated Jurisprudence, Citation UI, Improved Search

By Gio Tiongson

Anycase.ai Brief #1 Thumbnail

Hey all 👋

Happy new year from the Anycase.ai Team! We hope everyone has fully recovered from the holiday hangover! I’m excited to be sending our first ever Anycase.ai Brief newsletter.

Here’s a quick recap of who we are in case you forgot: Our team is building a legal research and writing tool that’s powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We’re building this AI system with an understanding of Philippine Laws, Jurisprudence, and government rules and regulations (among other things); and that knowledge unlocks new capabilities which we’re making available through the Anycase.ai web application that you use.

This newsletter is for keeping our earliest users - that’s you! - updated with what we’re working on. In most cases, that’s a cool new feature you can use to make your work tasks a bit more pleasant. We also publish this newsletter on our blog.

On to product updates!

📌 Case Summaries

We’re starting this year off with an exciting new feature: AI-generated Case Summaries. These are shown alongside search results and at the top of case pages.

The litigation lawyers in the community made us realize just how many cases they have to read through when handling legal matters. Our semantic search engine has made finding relevant cases faster. Now, Case Summaries will make skimming multiple cases faster, too.

These summaries are searchable, so you can now include outcomes like ”acquitted”, “found guilty”, etc. in your search query and questions!

We released these quality of life improvements, too:

📜 Updated Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence until August 2023 are now available. These are the latest available decisions published by the Supreme Court on their website.

🔗 Better citation UI

Clicking on a citation link from an Answer will now bring you to the relevant search result (instead of opening the case immediately).

🔍 Improved search results

We upgraded our AI model that runs in the background, leading to a slightly improved Search experience for you.

Coming up 🔜

  • Philippine Laws in Search: Our Answers feature already mentions Philippines Laws, but soon you’ll start seeing Laws in search results.

  • Securities and Exchange (SEC) Rules, Regulations and Issuances: We’re working on adding legal information from the SEC to our AI system, Search and Answer features. Exciting stuff for corporate law!

Which other Philippine government agencies would you like us to support? What other features would you like to see? Let us know by replying or emailing me at gio@anycase.ai.

About our pricing…

As you know, our product is free-to-use right now, but that may change by Q2 of 2024. As with any business, we need paying customers to sustain our operations— especially to fuel all the exciting AI magic we have planned for this year.

We’ll share more details in the coming weeks, we’re still ironing it out :) In the meantime, if you’re interested in availing of Anycase.ai for yourself, or recommending Anycase.ai to your firm/organization, please reach out to me at gio@anycase.ai.

From a user:

The Answer function makes it easy to go over the different doctrines that the AI finds, and I like that it's able to compose in its own words its understanding or interpretation of the doctrine.

Care to write a testimonial for Anycase.ai? Submit here.

Best regards 👋

That’s it for the Brief #1! Do consider sharing this with your favorite lawyers. That would help our startup a lot! 

🔗 Link to share: https://anycase.ai/blog/brief-1-summaries-release

As always, just reach out to connect with us.

— Gio T., Beato and Atty. Gio

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Your best work, done in less time

Add an AI legal assistant to your team today.

Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved

Your best work, done in less time

Add an AI legal assistant to your team today.

Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved